Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fort Ilocandia Revisited

The visit lasted barely 24 hours. I was traveling with only one other person and decided pretty quickly that flying was going to cost just the same as driving there. I was not feeling very well from the earlier trip to Iloilo and Boracay. Otherwise, it was very difficult to pass on another chance for a long drive which I really love to do.

We flew into Laoag International Airpot a little over 9PM and had a good nights sleep after a light meal. Shortly after breakfast the next day we met with the new hotel GM who had only been aboard for over a month and concluded our meeting very quickly and successfully culminating with a pleasant lunch with some of the hotel staff as well.

We were free the rest of the afternoon so it was nap time first. Laoag is starting to experience rain like the rest of the country but is still really hot and humid. After my nap I decided to walk around the grounds, went down to the beach and took a swim in 1 of their 3 pools. Having been there so many times before, there was really nothing new to photograph but I enjoy each and every visit just as much as the last.

The pictures I posted in the previous entry are from prior visits. With our flight schediled at 8PM I was running out of time to get a picture for this trip. Sunset was at 6:30PM and we had to be on our way to the airport. On the way to the front desk to check out, there it was! The sun was still a bit high and I had barely a peek at the beach. But it was good enough.

I really wasn't too impressed by the shot but posted it anyway in Facebook which I always do to solicit some immediate comment. To my pleasant surprise, it was well received and appreciated. I can't wait to go back with the family and visit points further north.

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